Wednesday, November 27, 2019
sheep cloning essays
sheep cloning essays Successful clone of adult sheep born; clone named "Dolly" after the famous country singer February 23, 1997 Scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland announce the birth of "Dolly" March 1997 Following the announcement of "Dolly," President Clinton issues a moratorium that bans the use of federal funds for any project involving human cloning; asks the newly appointed National Bioethics Advisory Board to address the ethical and legal issues surrounding human cloning within three months August 1997 Clinton proposes legislation banning the cloning of humans for at least 5 years, giving the National Bioethics Board time to assess the risks, and study the ethical and social impact of cloning humans further September 1997 About 64,000 biologists and physicians sign a voluntary five-year moratorium on human cloning (United States) early January 1998 Ninteen European nations sign a ban on human cloning. Click here to view these countries Richard Seed, a physicist from Chicago, announces his plans to perform human cloning experiments before Congress enacts a ban on cloning January 20, 1998 The Food and Drug Administration announces its authority to regulate human cloning it would now be a violation of federal law to try somatic cell transfer (the method used to clone "Dolly" without its approval h Nineteen European nations followed a similar path as the United States by signing a ban on human cloning on January 12, 1998. Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Macedonia and Turkey all signed the agreement. The German government did not sign because representatives believed that its current laws, created in response to Nazi genetic engineering experiments, were more strict than the signed ban. Britain declared itself "open" to the new cloning technology ( 19 European Nations). The European ban ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Istoria scrisului si a tiparului Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
Istoria scrisului si a tiparului Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Istoria scrisului si a tiparului Scrierea, cifrele, suportul pentru scriere i uneltele de scris toate produse ale minii omeneti continu s ocupe un loc important n toate domeniile de activitate i n toate manifestrile culturale i tiinifice. De-a lungul istoriei, popoarele au inventat diferite semne cu ajutorul crora notau fapte, ntmplri, idei. Obiecte simbolice, cum sunt o pasre, un oarece, o sgeat i o broasc, menionate de Herodot,alctuiau mesajul sciilor ctre Darius, regele perilor, cnd a pornit expediia mpotriva lor. i astzi sunt cunoscute semne simbolice, ca porumbelul alb a lui Picasso flamura alb ridicat pe front i altele. Semnele mnemonice, de asemenea sisteme primitive de scriere, care au fost ntlnite n multe pri ale lumii, sunt prezentate de nodurile de sfoar, rboj etc. Pictografia i ideografia au permis oamenilor s dea unui desen o valoare aproximativ fonetic, ajungnd la un pas de alfabet. Ideografia n zilele noastre este reprezentat de semnele de circulaie, semnele de aritmetic, chimie, astronomie etc. Scrierea hieroglif egiptean a fost descifrat abia n anul 1822 de ctre Champollion. Acest scriere era constituit dintr-un complex de semne format din psri, animale , flori, peti etc., ce erau aternute pe papirus de scribi aflai n poziie eznd, cu picioarele ncruciate i cu tblia sprijinit pe genunchi. Scrierea hieratic egiptean se realiza de la dreapta spre stnga. Scrierea cuneiform, folosit prin anul 3100 .d.Hr. prin locurile n care astzi este Kuweitul, era constituit din semne de forma unor cuie i se practica de obicei stnd n picioare, cu tblia n mna stng. Instrumentul de scriere era o bucat de trestie sau un lemn rotund ascuit, iar scrierea se citea de la stnga la dreapta. Vechea scriere chinez este o scriere ideografic ce s-a pstrat pn n zilele noastre. Direcia de scriere pe acelai rnd era de sus n jos, iar rndurile se succedau de la dreapta la stnga. Sensul unui cuvnt n limba vorbit se schim dup poziia sa n cuprinsul frazei, dup gestul care-l nsoete i dup nlimea muzical a tonului. Dicionarul realizat prin secolul XV-XVI d.Hr. coninea 44440 de ideograme. Treptat numrul lor a fost redus, iar n prezent se scrie pe orizontal, concomitent cu popularizarea noului alfabet cu litere latine. Scrieri ideografice mai sunt i cele folosite n Insula Petelui, scrierea Maya etc. Scrierea silabic a devenit posibil cnd nivelul cultural a fost mai ridicat i spiritul de observaie mai accentuat. Astfel s-a ajuns s se neleag c un cuvnt este format din sunete ce se pronun printr-o singur deschidere a buzelor, deci n silabe. Desigur, astfel se reduce numrul semnelor i scrierea devine accesibil unui cerc mai larg de oameni.n aceast categorie intr scrierile japonez, cipriot .a. Alfabetul este urmarea fireasc a unei ndelungate evoluii, cel fenician avnd meritul de a fi dat natere tuturor scrierilor alfabetice n general. Scrierea cursiv fenician, care a aprut pe la nceputul anului 500 .d.Hr., se realiza cu ajutorul a 22 de semne pe tblie de calcar, ulcioare sau papirus, de la dreapta la stnga pe orizontal. Datorit legturilor comerciale ale fenicienilor, alfabetul s-a raspndit din apus pn n rsritul ndeprtat, aprnd alte tipuri de scrieri, cu diferenieri pronunate fa de cea fenician, aa cum le cunoatem i astzi: scrierile siriene, alfabetul ebraic, scrierea brahmi, alfabetul arab etc. Alfabetul consonantic i vocalic grecesc dovedete cert originea sa fenician prin ordinea literelor, formelor apropiate i semne deosebite pentru vocale. Construcia literelor greceti a evoluat continuu, pentru ca n secolul V .d.Hr. s fie adoptat un alfabet complet. n secolul al IV- lea .d.Hr. apare forma cursiv, cu trasare mai rapid, apar legturile ntre litere i scrierea livreasc, ce d natere literelor minuscule aproape de forma actual. Acelai secol aduce semnul de sfrit de propoziie, care era format din dou puncte, iar ca semn de ntrebare punctul i virgula. Alfabetul latin a aprut ca o variant a celui grecesc. Introdus prin intermediul etruscilor, alfabetul latin s-a impus destul de repede, adaptarea fiind uoar, limba latin avnd mai puine consoane dect greaca. Din alfabetele grecei arhaice au fost preluate sunete, unele au fost modificate, altele reaezate. n locul vechilor denumiri, latinii au desemnat literele dup sunetul lor. Ca i grecii, vechii romani foloseau foloseau n scrierea monumental numai litere capitale, din care au derivat literele mari de tipar. Minusculele au aprut abia n secolul al V-lea d.Hr., dezvoltndu-se diferit
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Internet and Availability of Information Research Paper
The Internet and Availability of Information - Research Paper Example Information is one of the assets of an organization. Raw data until processed has no value in a business structure to be used in the best interests of the organization. With the advent of information technologies that raw data is gathered, stored, processed and disseminated to become an integral part of the organizations' processes. An information system links together data inputs, processes, and information outputs in a systematic, structured way. With the use of technology, information processes are used to further the operations and management of an organization (Ward 1995). With the help of internet and usage of technology, information can be accessed and made available with the click of the mouse. By using electronic means like the Internet, the email and other electronic means of communication, the right information becomes available at the right time. Electronic mail has become the standard and dependable source of communicating information. Other than emails, there are company websites, online bulletin boards, and message boards through which anybody can gather reliable, relevant and important information. Simple searching and researching on the internet about a company's systems can be availed at any time. Information sharing has become as easy as can be dreamt of (Kairab 2004, p. 10). Information systems work on the principles as the value of information is crucial in taking important decisions by the management. Information system is a set of interdependent parts that gather, use and provide information, and feedback to meet a business goal. These parts are input, processing, output, and feedback. We see day-to-day examples of information systems at work in ATMs, airline reservation systems, course reservation systems etc. Efficiency, effectiveness, and system performance standard makes an information system reliable; these are the three important ingredients that generate output, which is received in the format of documents and reports when raw data is captured to transform it into beneficial outputs. Important feedback from the output is recycled back to input or processing activities for getting further future output. In a computerized information system, inputs used are hardware, software, databases, internet, people, and methods are utilized to gather, use, save, and process data into information, as seen in the figure1 (Stair & Reynolds 2009).Ã
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